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Use it to retrieve the transaction status after it's being sent over the wire by polling the public mirror node.


When parameter multiSession={false}:

import { useAssociateTokens, useWatchTransactionReceipt } from '@buidlerlabs/hashgraph-react-wallets'

const App = () => {
  const { associateTokens } = useAssociateTokens()
  const { watch } = useWatchTransactionReceipt()

  const handleAssociateTokens = async () => {
    try {
      const hashOrTransactionId = await associateTokens(['0.0.123456'])

      watch(hashOrTransactionId, {
        onSuccess: (transaction) => {
          // do stuff

          return transaction
        onError: (transaction, error) => {
          // do stuff

          return transaction
    } catch (e) {

  return <button onClick={handleAssociateTokens}>Associate</button>


interface IUseWatchTransactionReceiptProps<Connector, abi extends Abi | readonly unknown[]> {
  connector?: Connector | null
  abi?: abi
  retryInterval?: number
  retryMaxAttempts?: number

- connector

  • Type: HWBridgeConnector
  • Required: false

Watch the transaction status using a specific wallet when multiSession={true}

import { HashpackConnector } from '@buidlerlabs/hashgraph-react-wallets/connectors'
import { useAssociateTokens, useWatchTransactionReceipt } from '@buidlerlabs/hashgraph-react-wallets'

const App = () => {
  const { associateTokens } = useAssociateTokens({ connector: HashpackConnector }) 
  const { watch } = useWatchTransactionReceipt({ connector: HashpackConnector }) 

  const handleAssociateTokens = async () => {
    try {
      const hashOrTransactionId = await associateTokens(['0.0.123456'])

      watch(hashOrTransactionId, {
        onSuccess: (transaction) => {
          // do stuff

          return transaction
        onError: (transaction, error) => {
          // do stuff

          return transaction
    } catch (e) {

  return <button onClick={handleAssociateTokens}>Associate</button>

- abi

  • Type: Abi
  • Required: false


There are many situations where a smart contract can revert an execution and throw an error, such as:

 function deposit(uint256 _amount) external nonReentrant {
        if (_amount == 0) revert ZeroAmount();


which in the end this error is being hex encoded.

The resulting error is hex-encodedand, based on the provided abi, this hook is also responsible for attempting to decode the error using decodeErrorResult

import { useAssociateTokens, useWatchTransactionReceipt } from '@buidlerlabs/hashgraph-react-wallets'
import { contractABI } from './ABIs'

const App = () => {
  const { associateTokens } = useAssociateTokens()
  const { watch } = useWatchTransactionReceipt({
    abi: contractAbi, 

  const handleAssociateTokens = async () => {
    try {
      const hashOrTransactionId = await associateTokens(['0.0.123456'])

      watch(hashOrTransactionId, {
        onSuccess: (transaction) => {
          // do stuff

          return transaction
        onError: (transaction, error) => {
          const { errorName, abiItem } = error 

          // map the errors by `errorName`

          return transaction
    } catch (e) {

  return <button onClick={handleAssociateTokens}>Associate</button>

- retryInterval

  • Type: number
  • Default: 2000ms
  • Required: false

The interval between the http requests.

- retryMaxAttempts

  • Type: number
  • Default: 10
  • Required: false

The delay between the http requests.

Return Type

type TSuccessCallback = <Transaction extends { transaction_id: string }>(transaction: Transaction) => Transaction

type TErrorCallback = <Transaction extends { transaction_id: string }>(
  transaction: Transaction,
  error: string | DecodeErrorResultReturnType | null,
) => Transaction

type TResult = {
  watch: (
    transactionIdOrHash: string,
    callbacks: {
      onSuccess: TSuccessCallback
      onError: TErrorCallback
  ) => Promise<TData>