New Hedera connector Recommended
Creating a new Hedera Connector can be simply accomplished by utilizing the HWCConnector
and create a new class that extends it. This approach ensures that your connector will comply with the Hedera Wallet Connect Standard.
import { HWCConnector } from '@buidlerlabs/hashgraph-react-wallets/connectors'
import BladeIconWhite from './assets/blade-icon.png'
import BladeIconDark from './assets/blade-icon-dark.png'
class BladeWalletConnector extends HWCConnector {
constructor(props) {
super({ ...props, extensionId: 'abogmiocnneedmmepnohnhlijcjpcifd' })
this._config = {
icons: {
white: BladeIconWhite,
dark: BladeIconDark,
get isExtensionRequired() {
return true
export default BladeWalletConnector