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Connect a wallet

By using useWallet hook, you can simply call connect method, and your wallet should pop up with a connection request.

Furthermore, it allows you to craft great user experiences by giving you access different wallet states such as isExtensionRequired, extensionReady or isConnected.

Following is a snippet of how one might go about doing just that:

import { KabilaConnector } from '@buidlerlabs/hashgraph-react-wallets/connectors'

const WalletBtn = () => {
  const { isExtensionRequired, extensionReady, isConnected, connect, disconnect, connector } =

  const handleConnect = async () => {
    try {
      await connect()
    } catch (error) {

  if (isExtensionRequired && !isExtensionReady) {
    return <span>Extension not found. Pease install it</span>

  if (isConnected) {
    return <button onClick={disconnect}>Disconnect</button>

  return <button onClick={handleConnect}>Connect</button>