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Use it to get a list of the connected wallets when multiSession={true}.

Each wallet connection is represented by a HWBridgeSession which will provide a bunch of info and handlers in order to manage its state.


import { useConnectedWallets } from '@buidlerlabs/hashgraph-react-wallets'

const App = () => {
  const connectedWallets = useConnectedWallets()

  return ...

Return Type

interface HWBridgeSession {
  connect: (props?: ConnectionConfig): Promise<HWBridgeSession>,
  disconnect: (): Promise<boolean>,
  autoPaired: boolean,
  connector: HWBridgeConnectorInstance,
  extensionReady: boolean,
  isConnected: boolean,
  isExtensionRequired: boolean,
  isInitialized: boolean,
  isLoading: boolean,
  lastUpdated: number,
  sdk: ConnectorSDKs,
  sessionId: string,
  signer: HWBridgeSigner