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Use it to sign a custom, prefix guarded, string message which can be verified off-ledger (ie. helpful when doing web session, for instance).

Please be aware that, depending if the connector is of HEDERA or ETHEREUM type, different prefixes are added to the message as indicated in their respectful chain docs. This means that a Metamask signature will not match the signature of a HashPack prompt.


import { useAuthSignature, UserRefusedToSignAuthError } from '@buidlerlabs/hashgraph-react-wallets'

const App = () => {
  const { signAuth } = useAuthSignature()

  const handleAuthenticate = async () => {
    try {
      const signerSignature = await signAuth("some message to sign");

      // `signerSignature` contains the user-auth signature
    } catch (e) {
      if (e instanceof UserRefusedToSignAuthError) {
        // TODO: User rejected the signature request

  return <button onClick={handleAuthenticate}>Authenticate</button>

You can call signAuth with no argument in which case the stringified value of new Date().getTime() is used.


- connector

  • Type: HWBridgeConnector
  • Required: false

Execute the transaction with a specific wallet when multiSession={true}


Return Type

A @hashgraph/sdk SignerSignature value.