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Create New Connectors

The Cornerstone

The core component of these connectors is the BaseConnector, which implements the following interface and is responsible of keeping the connector config and the connection strategy.

interface IConnector {
  // get and establish the connection if there's an active session found
  getConnection(): void

  // establish a new connection based on the connector config
  newConnection(props?: ConnectionConfig): void

  // checks the extension presence for the connectors that require this
  checkExtensionPresence(): Promise<boolean>

  // checks if there is any caching keys and determine the connection availability
  isWalletStateAvailable(): Promise<boolean> | boolean

  // terminate an active connection and wipes caching data
  wipePairingData(): Promise<boolean>

  // gets the HNS info based on the connector's `hnsResolver`
  resolveHNS(accountId: string): Promise<HNSResult | null>

  // returns the connector type
  get type(): ConnectorType

  // checks if the extension is required based on connector config
  get isExtensionRequired(): boolean

  // returns the connector sdk (DAppConnector/Wagmi Config)
  get sdk(): any

  // returns the connector config
  get config(): ConnectorConfig

  // returns the current chain
  get chain(): Chain

By default it is treated as a Hedera native connector, is defaulting some of the properties such as: checkExtensionPresence, isWalletStateAvailable and isExtensionRequired

Let's consider this implementation as the cornerstone for developing a new connector.

The Split

Next, there are two derivatives of this foundational piece that categorize the connectors into different types:

HederaConnector (source) Recommended

  • Is setting the connection strategy as HWCConnectionStrategy
  • Is keeping the connector type as HEDERA type


Learn how to create your own Hedera Connector here

EvmConnector (source)

  • Is setting the connection strategy as WagmiConnectionStrategy
  • Is keeping the connector type as ETHEREUM type
  • Is keeping the evidence of the current connected connector from wagmi Config


Learn how to create your own EVM Connector here


Read more how to create your own connector which consumes a custom connection strategy.